Thursday, December 26, 2019

Compare And Contrast Emily Dickinsons Death And Nothing...

What most people know about Emily Dickinson is that she was an isolated poet from Massachusetts who composed plenty of poems in the 1800s, which was published after her death. Death and funerals are two major topics of Emilys poem. Because I Could Not Stop for Death is one of Emily Dickinsons longest and most captivating poem. The artist Pablo Neruda is also a very popular poet for his political activism and his electric poetry. He was first known for his alluring poems such as Today around evening time I Can Write. The poem Nothing But death is an example of Nerudas idyllic vision and style. Both the poems â€Å"Because I could not stop for death† and â€Å"Nothing But Death† are on the topics of death, therefore, their theme is also†¦show more content†¦Although the theme of both the poems is same, its meaning illustrates the contrasting story to the reader. â€Å"Because I could not stop for death† takes the readers on the journey of the poet’s death. According to Patricia Engle, â€Å"She juggles temporal with eternal, corporal with spiritual, and life with death deftly, in mercurial shifts between micro and macro views of the worlds around her, within her, and beyond her.† (2) The poem reminds the readers about the ultimate reality of death. Because death is a purpose of uncertainty for everyone while she is excited and relieved taking it as a seasonal activity. â€Å"I had put away/ My labor my leisure too, /For His civility† (6-8), further she says death is â€Å"Kind† and Dickinson â€Å"could not stop for death.† The poem â€Å"Nothing But Death† talks more about graves and dead souls. Pablo denotes â€Å"death† into â€Å"bones† â€Å"coffins.† He sees all the dead things around him, â€Å"with women that have dead hair/with bakers as white as angels† (17), â€Å"the colors of damp violet† (33). The melancholy and darkness are carried all throu ghout the poem. The poet uses â€Å"darkness† three times in one line to express how much he fears the graves and dead bodies around him. Both the poems exhibited theShow MoreRelatedThe Concept of Death in Emily Dickinsons Poetry: An Analysis3177 Words   |  13 Pagesï » ¿Death in Emily Dickinsons Poetry Introduction Emily Dickinsons 19th century anti-sentimental death poetry illustrates the awful struggle she faced with her spirituality and the realities of life, death and despair. Her attitudes were compelled by a perplexity regarding the prospect of Immortality and the afterlife. Dickinson almost appears at times to see in Death the personification of Relief. In other poems, she seems to see Death as something frightening and demanding of ones faith. InRead MoreThe Flea By William Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, And John Donne1521 Words   |  7 Pagesshowcased in the works by famous poets like William Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, and John Donne. 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[pic]John Cooper says: July 13, 2011 at 3:36 pm Emily Dickenson’s poem â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death† details the events the narrator experiences after dying. In the poem, the narrator is driven around in a horse-drawn carriage to several places, including a schoolyard, a field of wheat, and a house sunken in the groundRead MoreA Poem Comparison of Donnes Anniversary and Jennings One Flesh1991 Words   |  8 Pagesto your wider reading in the poetry of love (40 marks). John Donne’s ‘The Anniversary’ is all about the love the theoretical narrator and his object of love share. A year has passed, and everything has grown older, drawing closer to their end. In contrast, the one ageless thing is the unchanging love the poet shares with his lover. Although their bodies will be in separate graves when they die, their eternal souls will be reunited when they are resurrected. 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